My Opinion On Raising Dogs And Cats For Meat:

In this page, I will share with you my opinion about the BARBARIC practices of eating dog or cat meat.

Some Koreans eat dog meat, dog meat has a long history in Korea, going so far back as the first century AD. Activists want the annual Yulin Dog Meat festival in China banned. Louisa Tam of SCMP assertively says "Dogs should be treated as 'companion animals' and classified as such by law."

In these places, dogs are crammed into small cages for much of their entire lives, yelping for help that never comes, until they are finally slaughtered. Or they are burned alive to death. There is vigorous opposition to these practices, and rightly so. These practices are just like the barbaric practices of confining pigs, cows and chicken into tiny cages, where they can barely move and cry for help, until they are finally slaughtered.

Oh, did I just describe very similar situations in both the United States and parts of Asia? There, now they can both accuse each other of being hypocrites!

Of course, people may justify it based on the animal's "intelligence," so I guess it is okay to eat people with severe Down Syndrome for dinner. "But people with Down Syndrome look unappetizing!!!", you say.

I've also heard that Indians consider cows to be companion animals, so let's ban steaks in the US over some foreign country's beliefs!

That was sarcastic and possibly offensive, with the Down Syndrome jokes and all, but I think any animal, even if raised for food, should have a chance to live a brief happy life. That's how it's like in nature, animals live life, possibly making friends or playing, before getting eaten by a wolf or something.

Apparently, if you raise an animal nicely before turning it into meat, it tastes better. Its eggs also taste better. That's what I heard, at least.

I basically eat almost any type of meat because that's how I was socialised. If I were given a slice of cat or dog meat, I'd probably try it, even if did not know how it was raised. I even tried rabbit once, even though I think rabbits are cute.

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